Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What to Do After a Household Flood

You will really find no body who is not frightened of the household flood. The flood brings with it maximum destruction. The whole area suffers from the flood. The flooded region is cut out from various other parts of the country. There is scarcity of food, problem with electricity supply and so on. You have to stay at some place which is high. In fact you are bound to live like a prisoner.

I would like to give you some tips which can be very useful for you in managing your house after flood. They are as follows:

1.Do not re-enter :
You must have left your house during flood and want to return back once the flood is under control. However I will really advise you that you should not go back unless and until everything is OK according to trained agency workers.

2.Take caution when eating:
Never eat and drink those food items which are in contact of flood. You should really be aware of the fact that the flood water will be dirty and full of diseases. Hence it is really advisable that you should at first clean the food with the water from water purifier and then only cooks it and eat it.Avoid eating outside your house.

3.Remove water blockage:
You must have put sandbags around your house so that the water does not enter your house. However some water might be left behind even after the flood is over. You should really remove this water otherwise it will give rise to lots of problem.

4.Flood insurance:
Make sure that you have insured your house from flood. If you have not done this up till now then may I dare to know that what were you doing up till now I must say that flood insurance is very important especially in those area which are very prone to flood. Hence if you are the inhabitant of those flood area and lacks flood insurance then you should not waste anytime and go now to get the flood insurance done.

5.Take pictures:
The complete documentation of the flood can be very handy. Hence make sure that you take the photographs of the whole house especially ceilings, walls and floor. You will definitely have to check them out since even a single damage can be very costly.

6.If you must leave:
If you are bound to leave the house for some reasons for example you might have to go to the party of your friend, and then make sure that all the windows and doors are properly shut down. You must keep this in your mind that the burglars and intruders other try to attack a flood affected area.

Hence I would like you to keep all these in mind and when the next time the flood attacks your region you should be well prepared for this position.

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